Mira Fertility Plus Wands Review Track your Estrogen and LH
Have you noticed that every month there are a few days where you are extra “moody”? A dog commercial can make you cry or you wake up and don’t want anyone to talk to you…. for the rest of the day? Ahhh hormones. Aren’t they great!
People joke in these moments. “She must be on her time of the month.” Which honestly, I am not a fan of that expression. I’d love to not feel this way, but the body of a woman was made so intricate and unique. There is a scientific reason we are like this, why we feel and act like this every month.
Imagine if you could have a better grasp of this? To have something that helps you understand your body better by reading your estrogen and luteinizing hormone levels? A device that can help you understand why you may be feeling a little more emotional or upset that day. Or maybe you may feel the complete opposite. Maybe you woke up today and can’t keep your hands off of your spouse. Well, there is!
If you follow my fertility journey, you know that I have been using multiple products to help me better understand my body all in hopes to get pregnant. One of those products is Mira Fertility. A smart health tracker that provides accurate ovulation analysis by tracking your luteinizing hormone (LH) and now your estrogen levels.

First, let’s understand what these terms mean.
What is Luteinizing Hormone (LH)?
When you ovulate, your LH serges. Once your LH has surged, your body sends signals to your ovaries to let them know that it is time to release an egg. This can take anywhere from 12 – 36 hours after your LH surge. Once your egg has dropped, it can live for 12 – 24 hours. Within that time it must be fertilized so a woman can become pregnant. When you see that your LH has surged, that’s when you should start having sex with your partner if you are trying to conceive. If you are trying NOT to conceive this would be a time to stay abstinent or use protection.
What is Estrogen?
Once the egg and sperm meet, it now has to attach itself to the uterine wall. How does it do that? Thank you estrogen! Estrogen maintains the uterine lining so that the fertilized egg can implant in the uterus. Which then means… congratulations, you are pregnant!
How do Estrogen and LH work together?
Think of a roller coaster. One part of the roller coaster goes up while the other is down. First, your estrogen is going to rise. This is letting you know that you are about to ovulate. Then your LH will rise letting you know you are ovulating and this would be the best time to have sex if your goal is to get pregnant.

As you can see when my estrogen (dark blue line) was high, my LH (green line) was low, and vice versa. My estrogen spike on 12/16/2020 let me know that my LH was going to surge soon and I was about to ovulate. It is normal for your estrogen to spike before ovulation, drop during ovulation, and then rise again.
Remember while all these hormones are running wild, it is normal to have a higher sex drive or feel your emotions are a little all over the place.
What is Mira Care Fertility Tracker?

Mira Care is a small device that will test your LH and estrogen levels in the comfort of your own home. Through their app, you will receive a clear schedule of when to start testing and when to stop every month. All testing days are marked with a green open circle under the day.

Every time you test you will receive a clear reading of your levels. Your LH can range between 1 mIU/mL – 50 mIU/mL. Your estrogen can range between 100 ng/mL – 400 ng/mL during your fertile window. Mira will then give you a fertility score of 1 – 10. This number will indicate your chances of conceiving that day. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
Click here to watch Mira Care review.

Lets look at my test results for the month of January 2021:

You can see that my estrogen was at a 400 ng/ml and my LH was at a 31.9 mIU/mL. With a fertility score of 9. These numbers were significantly higher from the day before so to confirm this was my surge, Mira advised me to test again later that night. My results are below:

This was confirmation that I was going to ovulate within the next 12 – 36 hours. So if I am trying to get pregnant, which I am, this would be the perfect time to have sex. My OBGYN advised having sex for the next 4 days that followed. Keep in mind, even if you have sex on ovulation day and on the few days that follow, there is still only a 30% of getting pregnant.
What Have I Experienced with Mira?
I have been on my fertility journey for almost a year a half. For the past 6 months, I have been using products to help me conceive such as Mira. Although I am still not pregnant, I can say I know my body now more than ever.
I have used Mira fertility Wands, which only test for your luteinizing hormone, and Mira Fertility Plus wands, which test for your luteinizing hormone and estrogen.

By far, my favorite is the Mira Fertility Plus Wands. Learning not only when I am ovulating with my LH levels, but understanding what estrogen is, how it affects my overall mood, body symptoms, fertility journey, and life, has been extremely insightful.

In my introduction fertility video, I discussed always having “period” symptoms. With tracking my estrogen, I realized I was getting symptoms such as sore breasts, back pains, and headaches when my estrogen was high. I was able to learn that this was “normal” for me before I was about to ovulate. Something I would have NEVER learned about myself if it wasn’t for tracking my estrogen.
Click here to hear my fertility story

Final Thoughts
I have never been so in tune with my body than I am now. It feels amazing to have regulated and learned my body the natural way. I was on birth control for 10 years, only to get pregnant the month after getting off the pill. So going natural is an approach I have never taken. No, I am not pregnant yet. But my husband and I have worked hard to set the foundation in our fertility journey. The rest is in God’s hands. I read and hear so many Mira user’s success stories and I know my miracle will come. It is only a matter of time.
I am so happy with the results I have receives with Mira. I know I could not have grown in love with myself again if it wasn’t for it. Whether you are trying to conceive, trying not to conceive, or simply want to understand your body better, I think Mira is the perfect at home smart device to get you and your body to become one again.
Good luck to all the couples who are on their fertility journey. I know your miracle will come soon.
This article is based off go my own experience and research. I am not a doctor or in a field where I can offer professional health and fertility advice. Please consult with your doctor first before moving forward with any fertility method.
This blog was sponsored by Mira. Please know all opinions are my own and are based 100% on my authentic experience. The description below contains affiliate links that do not affect your pricing. I do receive a small commission that allows me to continue to make these reviews for you. Thank you for all of your love and support during this journey.
Buy Mira here. Use code OHMOTHER for $25 off.