Eu Natural Conception Vitamin 6 Month Update
A few months ago I took the brave step to share with my followers that I was having a difficult time conceiving baby #2. It was an unbelievably scary thing for me to do. By sharing something so private, you let people in on some of the most intimate parts of your life. They get to see your struggles, heartbreak, and frustrations. They get to see you lose hope and fall into a negative headspace. Pretty much, the world gets to see you at your worst. But something inside told me to share, so I did. And honestly, it is what has kept me going during these hard times.
Click here to watch my fertility journey story.

For a year I tried to conceive with the mentality “just let it happen”. But nothing happened. So once I came up to my one year mark, I decided to take some control. I wanted to start using products that would assist in this journey. I needed to get to know my body again and try to understand why I wasn’t conceiving.
One of those products I used was Conception by Eu Natural. A natural vitamin that helps balance my menstrual cycle , aid ovulation and balance my hormone levels to maximize my chances of getting pregnant. When I started I released a review to share with my followers this partnership and my fertility journey story.
Click here to watch review.

I received an overwhelming amount of support and love from so many. Multiple messages and comments flowed in sharing your journey with me and letting me know that I wasn’t alone. It also builds a community within all of us. Connecting us together and building a community of support and safe space. It was really more than I could have hoped for.
So where am I now in this journey? A question I received from so many of you. Am I still taking Conception? Am I pregnant? So here is the scoop.
Fertility Update:
Are we healthy? A few months ago I decided to go to the doctor and start a series of fertility tests. I wanted to make sure that my husband and I were healthy and there was nothing that was causing us to not conceive. Happy to report, that everything is healthy with my husband and I.
Click here to watch my live fertility testing

What Did I Experience with Conception from Eu Natural?
Eu Natural really took me by surprise. I was not expecting it to work so well with me, but it honestly did. To address some frequently asked questions:
1. Did Eu Natural regulate my cycle? Yes, after 3 months of taking it, my periods regulated and it is now like clockwork. It comes between the 1st – 3rd of every month. The only time my menstrual cycle was like this was when I was on birth control. So I was thrilled for my cycle to regulate naturally.
2. Did you have any side effects when taking it? Eu Natural does help balance out your hormones. Throughout those first few months, my hormones went a little crazy when they began to regulate. I felt a little more emotional, sensitive, and even a little anxious. What I decided to do was to drop down to only 1 pill a day. Once I did that, my emotions did not feel as intense. When I felt like my hormones balanced out and I was not as emotional, I went back to 2 pills daily and I felt great. I was able to do this around month 3. So for me, I could feel my hormones balancing.
3. Am I still taking Conception? Yes, I am. Overall, I experienced great results and I wanted to continue. I have been taking Conception for about 5 months but it wasn’t until starting month 4 that I feel I was regulated and benefiting from the vitamin.
4. Am I pregnant? Unfortunately, no. I am relieved to know that my husband and I are healthy. We are still doing what we possibly can to aid in this process. We pray that it is only a matter of time.
What’s Next?
About 2 weeks ago we decided to place an order for Conception Men. Since they are a duo, we wanted to take both Conception and Conception Men to maximize our chances of getting pregnant. After a month of taking Conception Men, we will release a review. We also started using the new Mira estrogen wands. Our hope with expanding in what we use, we can finally get our miracle.
Final Thoughts
Overall, we are still extremely satisfied with the results we are receiving with Eu Natural. Although we have not conceived yet, we truly feel that we have done everything in our power to set the foundation. The rest falls on God’s timing.
I still feel now, more than ever, that Conception is an amazing line and has assisted in my fertility journey. On my video review, so many moms commented their wonderful news of conceiving after taking Conception by Eu Natural. So I am confident that this will be the result for not only me but for many more moms in the future.
This blog was sponsored by Eu Natural. Please know that all opinions are my own and are based 100% on my authentic experience. The description below contains affiliate links that do NOT affect your pricing. I do receive a small commission which allows me to continue to make these reviews for you. Thank you for all of your love and support during this journey.
Click here to shop Eu Natural and use code KASANDRA10 for 10% off of your order.