Fisher price diaper box

Fisher-Price Makes Diapers? Fisher-Price Diaper Review

When you see the name Fisher-Price, you probably get mental images of colorful building blocks and cheerful instructions on how to recite your ABC’s. And you’d be right, but Fisher-Price has ventured out into the world of diapers and I’m so excited to review them for you. You’ve trusted this brand for decades to take […]

White Halo Bassinet Glide Sleeper

5 Pros and Cons to the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper

Picking the perfect bassinet was one of my top priorities as a first-time mom. I needed something that my baby would love, sleep comfortably and throughout most of the night in. And if I was lucky, it meant I got a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep as well! As a c-section, nursing mom, I […]