5 Pros and Cons to the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper
Picking the perfect bassinet was one of my top priorities as a first-time mom. I needed something that my baby would love, sleep comfortably and throughout most of the night in. And if I was lucky, it meant I got a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep as well! As a c-section, nursing mom, I needed something that would assist with my healing. After some thought and research, I decided on the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper. Not only did it look beautiful, but it also looked functional. It seemed like it would mesh in well with a hectic newborn baby schedule and provide assistance while I healed from the surgery.
It’s been 2 years since my daughter’s birth and we’ve had a lot of experience using it. In this post, I am going to review the pros and cons I experienced while using the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper. So here we go!
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Pro Number 1:
The first thing I learned upon using the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper is that it has an adjustable height. It can go from 24″ all the way up to 34″. It’s perfect for just about everything! I could put it up high for the daytime when she was awake and babbling. I could sit up in my bed and attend to her without having to hunch over or crane my neck. At night, when it was lowered, I could gently scoop her out without fuss or fanfare when it was time for a 3 a.m. feeding. And after a c-section, it was fantastic for preventing any scrunching or overstretching.
Pro Number 2:
On the side of the Halo Bassinest was a pouch that functioned as storage for just about anything that could fit in it. Diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, toys. Anything I needed to get through those sleepless nights and restless days could be stored right there for easy access. And trust me, for those first 3 months, you’re going to want something handy to help soothe a colic baby.
Pro Number 3:
One of the best things about this bassinet was the breathable mesh sides. It’s no secret that SIDS is every parent’s nightmare. These mesh sides gave me and my husband some room to relax since we knew our daughter would always be safe, even when she learned how to roll over and toss and turn. Not only did it quell our fears, it certainly helped with airing the baby out. Keeping her nice and cool, even during the sweltering summer months.
Pro Number 4:
Another added benefit is the upgradable accessories. If you’re on a budget, then the Halo Bassinest Glide Sleeper is all you will need. But if you feel like splurging or have a grandmother just itching to spend money on the new grandbaby, Halo offers a few things that are sold separately to enhance the experience. One of my favorites was the waterproof mattress pad. Babies make messes! And it’s great to have that extra security against spills and leaks. I also enjoyed the storage caddy for additional storage. And no bassinet would be complete without a mobile to help lull your little one back to sleep. Of course, these are all optional, but I’d definitely recommend it if it’s something you can afford!
Pro Number 5:
One last thing I loved about the Halo Bassinest Glider Sleeper is that…well, it glided! We were able to push the bassinest all throughout the house with ease. Laminate or wood or tiles, no problem, no scratches or scuffs. This was a blessing because if the baby was taking a nap and we desperately needed lunch, we could just move the Bassinest close enough to keep an eye on her. Or if it was the afternoon slump, we could scootch the whole thing into the living room so one of us could doze off on the couch with her safe and close by. As first-time parents, it was a comfort to be able to have her with us all throughout the house, whether she was awake or not. And I’m positive she felt the same way.
And while the Halo Bassinest Glider Sleeper worked for us, there were a few features of this Bassinest that I think could be improved upon.
Con Number 1:
The button used to adjust the Bassinest was difficult at times to press. It would get stuck and sometimes I needed both hands to press and adjust the level. Gliding this around the house with me and needing to adjust it multiple times a day, became cumbersome at times.
Con Number 2:
Being a first-time mom, I was unaware of what I may need. So I purchased the basic model. Halo offers upgraded models that sway and vibrate to help fussy babies sleep. Now, if you were gifted with a baby who only wakes up twice a night to feed, this probably wasn’t an issue you encountered, but our daughter was the definition of fussy. If we had known how helpful gentle swaying or vibrations were to her, we would have definitely bought one of the advanced Bassinest’s. All models are fantastic, but for my needs, I wish I would have purchased a more advanced one.
Con Number 3:
While the Halo Bassinest Glider Sleeper says it can hold up to 20lbs, we found once my daughter hit around 15lbs, she began to show discomfort. So I recommend purchasing an extra pad for more support.
Con Number 4:
Another issue we encountered didn’t come from the bassinet but from human error! We miscalculated how tall the Halo Bassinest was in comparison to our bed. It ended up being too big and tall to glide onto your bed like advertised. Which was totally our fault. Once on the bed, the Bassinest took up quite a bit of space. At the time we had a full-size bed so it was not ideal. Just make sure to check and then double-check the dimensions of your bed and the Bassinest to avoid our mistake!
Con Number 5:
The final con we noticed was that the Bassinest cannot glide under couches, at least no recliner couches. Because of all the parts underneath our couch, we were unable to glide it onto the couch so that baby could be safe on one end while we napped or watched TV on the other end. Another human error!
Final Thoughts:
All in all, we did have a pleasant experience with the Halo Bassinest Glider Sleeper. The cons were not strong enough to deter me from purchasing again. My husband and I were always sure that our baby was in a safe and sturdy bassinet. We never had to worry about her falling or getting hurt, which I believe is the best peace of mind parents can have with a product. We always knew we’d see her chubby smiling face and grabby hands when she was inside the Halo Bassinest Glider Sleeper.
HALO Bassinest can be found on Amazon. Check out my store to see different varieties of HALO Bassinests along with other great baby products I recommend.
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Check out HALO’s website here for more information.
This article was not sponsored by HALO. All opinions are my own.